Friday 14 August 2015

Using Masking Fluid with Watercolours

Using Masking Fluid with a thin brush, I painted over my drawing - (bit fiddly). 
I used a good quality water colour paper.  I've enhanced this picture darker so the masking fluid is more visible, but the paper is a lovely light creamy colour.
Leave it to completely dry.
I then painted the pattern, using the masking fluid as a 'little wall'. Leave the paint to dry very well before rubbing off the masking fluid carefully.  (this is quite satisfying!)  If you use a not-so-good quality paper, the paper will rub off too!

This is still work in progress. (I Photoshopp'd the pic. above) but will paint another one. I do like the technique.  It has a stencil-like quality, but softer.

1 comment:

Judy S. said...

Very interesting!